Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues



Government vs. Private Sector Services

The following is posted on behalf of Dick Marshuetz. Now we have two good topics to kick around on Monday…

Last Monday we had a brief discussion about a question that had been asked of Congressman Poliquin:  Why are we better off with for-profits than government enterprises?  I think the reference was to health insurance but that’s a variant on a general theme that by eliminating profits, government enterprises might offer better service at lower prices.  This sort of question is usually asked as an unanswerable stopper since everybody knows that profits don’t really do anything except line some plutocrat’s pocket.  Without the plutocrats presumably customers and taxpayers are better off. Continue reading “Government vs. Private Sector Services”

Topic 11 April Pro Choice/Pro Life

This week’s topic is the Texas abortion clinic case currently before the Supreme Court.

I did my homework, and since the dog didn’t eat it,  I posted it online.

You can find it here.

Or below.

Next week’s topic in our local discussion group, Beyond Labels, was triggered by discussion of the Texas abortion clinic case currently before the Supreme Court. The case, known to its friends as “Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt” revolves on the following legal point:

Continue reading “Topic 11 April Pro Choice/Pro Life”

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