Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues



Sept. 23 Heading for War with Iran?

At the last meeting, this topic was suggested and somewhat generalized to include the effectiveness of military might in the modern world.

The details of this site are new to me so I have just posted the PDFs and one URL at!ArD0BQemtYSTh2fSecmlmnnEz3xa?e=LqGhtk

Just click on the articles to read. Hugh

August 26: Homelessness

Tomorrow we’ll discuss homelessness, particularly as publicized by recent developments in cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and, closer to home, Portland, ME.

I won’t have time to pull links to articles, but you can find them with the assistance of virtual assistant “Google.”

  • Why are these cities facing this crisis?
  • Why isn’t homelessness as much of a problem elsewhere?
  • What should be done about it?

I suspect we’ll find this is caused by many factors, so “solutions” are likely to take many forms as well.

See you tomorrow.

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