Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Scott Miller

September 9: Hancock County

There is often a lot of focus on local, town issues and events and those occurring at the Maine state level. But we rarely hear about activities at the county level–other than, perhaps, Hancock County law enforcement (Sheriff and District Attorney). Blue Hill taxpayers send about $450,000 of property tax money to the county.

  • What do we get for our money?
  • How is county spending levels set and prioritized?
  • What changes, if any, would we like to see in terms of how the county is managed?

Becky Wentworth, a consistent Beyond Labels participant and Democratic candidate for the County Commissioner seat representing the Peninsula, will (hopefully) share her views. But we should be prepared with our own.

Here’s a link to the Hancock County website, which is a good starting point for research. And the 2023 (?!) county budget.


As a reminder, we decided to update on the Ukraine/Russia conflict and the most recent Middle East developments at today’s (August 19) meeting. Seems like Fareed Zakaria was on the same page (see yesterday’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” on CNN).

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