Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Scott Miller


As a reminder, we decided to update on the Ukraine/Russia conflict and the most recent Middle East developments at today’s (August 19) meeting. Seems like Fareed Zakaria was on the same page (see yesterday’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” on CNN).

7/29: More education and elections?

To be honest, I’ve forgotten the details of what we agreed to discuss this coming Monday (if anything). But it seems as if we didn’t explore last week’s “education” topic as fully as we could have, given the distraction of President Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 election race.

So I expect that we’ll continue the education discussion, touch on the week’s developments in the election cycle, and address whatever topic we might otherwise have agreed on.

But I hope we’ll spend most of the time drilling down on education. See last week’s post for some of the questions/issues.

7/22: Education Reform

How can we improve primary and secondary education in the U.S.? Charter schools? More testing? Less testing? Better teacher pay? Better teachers? Different curriculum? Local control? State control? National control?

Stepping back, what are the goals of our education system?

We’ll discuss these matters and, probably, the current goings-on as we head toward the November elections.

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