Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Scott Miller

10/17: Prosecute Trump?

There will be no Beyond Labels meeting on October 10; the Blue Hill Public Library will be closed in observance of Indigenous People’s Day.

On October 17, we’ll consider whether the current administration should pursue criminal charges against former president Trump. While it’s easy to say ‘yes’ and ‘no one is above the law,’ it gets more complicated if you’re in Merrick Garland’s seat.

  • How significant a crime would it need to be to justify prosecution?
  • How strong a case would the Justice Department need to assemble before seeking an indictment?
  • Conversely, how much of a risk of an acquittal should the Justice Department run?
  • Should they treat this like any other case, or are there special circumstances for this one? If so, which ones resonate with you?

Attached are two articles supplied by one of our participants.

10/3: Transgender Sports

We’ll revisit the subject of transgender sports this week, exploring how sport can be both fair and inclusive. And, as our preview of this subject has demonstrated, we’re also likely to discuss the interplay between hormone-based gender transition activities and world sport’s anti-doping rules.

To get things rolling, one our our Beyond Labels participants has provided some primary reference materials:

  • USA Swimming Recommendations for Gender Diverse Athletes
  • USA Swimming Athlete Inclusion, Competitive Equity, and Eligibility Policy
  • NCAA Transgender Student-Athlete Participation “Policy”

Participants are encouraged to follow some of the links in these (short) policies and recommendations. The NCAA post and policy, in particular, mostly leverage off a tiered hierarchy of other organizations’ transgender policies.

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