Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

No Beyond Labels on Monday, Jan 15

The Blue Hill Public Library will be closed this coming Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Day, so we won’t be meeting.

The next meeting will be on Jan 22, to discuss “new Federalism”–in a world that has difficulty coming to grips with the Trump Administration’s actions, some have argued that states (such as California and New York) can take the lead both domestically and globally in taking the high road vis-a-vis climate change, global “citizenship,” education, health care, etc. when the Federal government (a la Trump) isn’t being as aggressive (or progressive) as they’d like.

So we’ll revisit the question of what functions/activities should be driven by a uniform Federal mandate/control and which can be more local?

See you on Jan 22!

Notes: 8 Jan 2018 Trump

Pew research “Republicans think colleges are bad for America”

Newsweek story based on Pew:  “Majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (Yes, really)”

700 employees have left the EPA under Trump.

How many people have left the EPA

Retirements From Government

US Government Employment-graph -not changed that much under Trump

Details of EPA buyouts

Republicans and Global Warming

Terrorism in the United States

Jonathan Haight interview “Can a divided America Heal?”

Scott thinks this is the better of the two: “The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives

The United States is the largest provider of financial contributions to the United Nations, providing 22 percent of the entire UN budget in 2017 (in comparison the next biggest contributor is Japan with almost 10 percent, while EU countries pay a total of above 30 percent). Wikipedia

The United States, the world’s largest economy, accounts for approximately 25 percent of Nominal world GDP, and the seven largest economies (amalgamating the European Union economies as one) account for 75 percent of the total.  Wikipedia

Scott Adams Blog “The Demolition President

How President Trump Changed Your Imagination

Trump predictions and whether they came true

Trump has deported fewer immigrants that Obama

But not for lack of trying

ICE arrests of immigrants have gone up from an average of 9,134 per month (October to December 2016) to 13,085 a month during February to June 2017.

Fewer Foreign Students Coming to US

No, it hasn’t badly hurt enrollment

There is no secret master plan. Tump is the WYSIWYG president.

For those unfamiliar with the computer term: WYSISYG  means “What You See Is What You Get.”


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