Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

2015 Camden Conference

The Camden Conference (a popular weekend event for several Beyond Labels participants) will focus on “Russia Resurgent” this coming February. Quite timely given all of the happenings in Ukraine and the reevaluation of Europe’s dependence on Russian energy.

The Camden Conference web site is getting populated with more information on the conference (reading list, etc.) which may be of interest to all…not just those of us who plan to attend the conference.

Here’s a link to the site:

July 21: US Drug Policy

Next Monday, we’ll discuss US drug policy. Should drugs from marijuana to heroin be decriminalized and, instead, regulated?

  • If so, should all be legalized, or should a line be drawn…for example, excluding the most addictive substances?
  • Where should alcohol and nicotine fit into this policy?
  • What benefits do we expect from legalization? Costs?
  • Should we move quickly, or more deliberately (for example, to see how the Colorado and Washington experiments pan out over time)?
  • What other issues should we be focused on, and what policy option do they support?
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