Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues



Notes: November 5, 2018 (no meeting next week)

Happiness and life satisfaction from our world in data
Incomes across the distribution from our world in data

Measuring happiness according to positive psychology

Is Happiness partly inherited

Depression versus unhappiness

How can we measure happiness

Questionnaires for measuring happiness 

Estimating the Effect of Income on
Health and Mortality Using Lottery
Prizes as Exogenous Source of
Variation in Income

Money and Mental Wellbeing:A Longitudinal Study ofMedium-Sized Lottery Wins

Lottery winners who have made money

Debunking the curse of the lottery winner

The Neurochemicals of happiness

Happiness: Role of Dopamine and Serotonin on Mood and Negative Emotions

Potlach Ban law in Canada

Hacking into your happy chemicals

Definition of Endorphins


Nomorobo blocks robocalls

Happiest city in India

Indians among the happiest people in the world

Wikipedia on Clinton Foundation

The Trump Foundation

Basic income programs

Maine attorney general

Give Directly Basic Income experiment

Voting by mail, in Oregon

Noah Yuval Harari, AI and Stuff

Charles sent an interesting article from the NY Times, worth a read

Watch Out Workers, Algorithms Are Coming to Replace You — Maybe

Over the past five years, the Israeli author and historian Yuval Noah Harari has quietly emerged as a bona fide pop-intellectual. His 2014 book “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” is a sprawling account of human history from the Stone Age to the 21st century; Ridley Scott, who directed “Alien,” is co-leading its screen adaptation. Mr. Harari’s latest book, “21 Lessons for the 21st Century,” is an equally ambitious look at key issues shaping contemporary global conversations — from immigration to nationalism, climate change to artificial intelligence.

Link to the complete article on NYT

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