Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Foreign Policy


Does Putin have an exit strategy?

Assuming at least part of the conversation on Monday, 14 March will be about Russia and Ukraine, a column by Tom Friedman in the 8 March issue of The New York Times might be of interest. In that column, Friedman asks what Putin’s exit strategy from Ukraine is and concludes that he doesn’t really have one, given Ukraine’s so far apparently successful resistance and the Russian military’s apparent failures. Here’s a link to that column:

Monday, March 7: Cyber-warfare & Ukraine

With an ever-increasing proportion of our personal, corporate, and governmental devices connected to the Internet, and with an ever-greater reliance on information stored in the “cloud,” we have to consider the associated vulnerabilities.

Steven K. suggested that we consider the following articles, all from the January/February edition of Foreign Affairs:

I expect we’ll continue to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in the cyber-context and others.

August 16: Afghanistan

Although we didn’t choose this topic last week, it seems appropriate to chase the news and discuss the latest developments and evaluate the Biden Administration’s strategy and messaging.

I won’t post any articles—take your pick from pretty much any source.