Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Foreign Policy


U.S. Citizenship: How Should It Distinguish Us From Others?

This subject was discussed on August 26, 2013.

The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights provide a series of protections that extend to U.S. citizens. But as we discuss how the U.S. should treat non-citizens (visitors to the U.S. and immigrants, targets of drone strikes outside the U.S., etc.) we have often concluded that many of the rights afforded to U.S. citizens should, in fact, be extended to everyone.

  • Which rights associated with citizenship, if any, should not be extended to non-citizens?
    • How should immigrants in the U.S. be treated?
    • What about others (outside the U.S.)?
  • To what degree should the U.S. impose its views on such rights on foreign governments?
    • “Jawbone” them to offer similar rights to their citizens?
    • Make foreign aid or cooperation contingent on extension of rights?
    • Intervene more aggressively?

North Korea: Should we worry?

  • As a relatively small, distant and weak economy, what are the “vital U.S. interests” in North Korea?
  • To what degree is this a “U.S.” issue; shouldn’t other nations in closer proximity (China, South Korea, Japan) take the lead?
  • How do we feel about the U.S. military presence in South Korea?
  • What about the threat to stability of North Korea’s export of weapons and, potentially, nuclear know-how?
  • How strong–and likely to last–is the Kim leadership dynasty in the face of the hardships faced by the “common man”…shortages of food, power, etc.?
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