Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Scott Miller

September 10: What is the Meaning of Liberty in 21st Century America?

While this topic was selected well before the Kavanaugh hearings began, the words “liberty” and “freedom” were used many times over the course of those hearings. So we’ll discuss, I suppose, whether we think they have the same meanings that they did to the Founders or whether the passage of time has changed the definition in some fundamental way.

Michael Sinclair has provided some good background reading links.  It took me a while to find time to read them, then I promptly became sufficiently sick and delerious that I couldn’t bring myself to draft this post.  

At any rate, here are the links he provided. The first two seem pretty good sources; the rest provide background/refresher for those of us who haven’t studied Hume or Locke for 40+ years.

  • A New York Times Op-Ed piece contrasting “freedom” vs. “liberty” (written in 2003; it’s short and an easy read).
  • An article from National Affairs magazine on “The Five Conceptions of American Liberty” and how “rights,” “lefts,” and “libertarians” emphasize subsets of the five conceptions. (Longer than the op-ed, but still relatively “accessible” in Michael’s words.)
  • An article from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on the subject of “liberty,” both “positive liberty” and “negative liberty.” (I found it interesting, but it’s pretty long.)
  • Articles from the Stanford cite discussing Hume’s and Locke’s view of “liberty.”

I may not make it tomorrow morning, but it should be an “enlightening” topic.

For 8/27: The Future of Independents

Remember: We start at 10:00am tomorrow.

As we head into the election season, we plan to discuss (again) the state of the effective two-party system in the US and the role of independents (non-affiliated voters). And, for that matter, the role of other parties (such as the Greens, the Independents, etc.).

In Maine, unenrolled voters (not enrolled with a political party) represent a ~40% plurality of the electorate.

  • Is the two-party system working?
  • What would it take for a third party to gain enough traction to have a meaningful impact on policy at the state or Federal level?
  • Is ranked-choice voting (or similar voting reforms) likely to provide more power to alternate political parties, or will it drive candidates toward the center and reduce the need for alternate parties? Or will it weaken the party system altogether, with more voters focusing on candidates’ positions than on party platforms/affiliations?
  • What should be the role, if any, of primaries in an electoral system in which the voting/tabulation method is changed (i.e., ranked-choice, mandated runoff for majority, etc.)? Should they be “party” primaries as they are now, or more general primaries for narrowing down the number of candidates? Or dispensed with altogether?

We should have some fun Monday!

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