Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Scott Miller

For January 7: “Bribery” in a Global Context

Next Monday, we plan to examine “bribery.” We can discuss questions such as:

  • How should U.S. companies operate in countries in which bribes (or whatever somewhat broader term you might prefer) are a de facto part of doing business?
    • Does the “Foreign Corrupt Practices Act” unduly disadvantage U.S. businesses (and, therefore, the U.S. economy, labor force, etc.)?
    • How should U.S. companies with a global customer base compete in these difficult environments? Would abstention make a difference?
  • More broadly, what constitutes a “bribe,” as opposed to other transactions between parties?
    • For example, to what extent do any of the allegations against our current President constitute “bribes?”

Reminder: No Beyond Labels Tomorrow

The library will be closed for Columbus Day (or Indigenous Peoples Day, if you prefer).

I hope someone will send me an email to remind me what the topic for October 15 will be.

And I plan to post some notes from last Monday’s session, together with links supplied by others, shortly…today or tomorrow.

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