Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Scott Miller

For Monday, August 6: Is This China’s Century?

This coming Monday, we’ll switch back to a “foreign policy” topic by considering the 2019 Camden Conference topic.

I’ll ask Court Haight to post links to a handful of useful resources that he has available on the subject. In the meantime, here are some links to recent (last two weeks) articles (mostly op-eds) on China’s various strengths and weaknesses.

For Monday, July 30: Healthcare

Tomorrow’s topic will be healthcare in America–again.

Many Beyond Labels attendees appear to support “Medicare for All” in Maine or across the U.S. Is this the answer to our healthcare issues? Does Medicare “work?” Is it financially sustainable as configured, or is it a transfer of wealth from future generations to current Medicare beneficiaries? We’ve discussed this topic many times in the past, bot as the formal topic and informally in conjunction with other topics.

REMINDER: We meet in the Bass Room tomorrow.

For Jul 23: The Proper Role of Government

We’ll explore what “services” should properly be provided by government and which should be provided elsewhere—by the private sector, by charitable organizations, by individual households.

Most important to the “what” will, of course, be the “why” (this and not that)and “how” (to deliver it—to whom, and to pay for it.

We should also consider, within “government” how it’s role should be divided between Federal, State, County and Town governments.

Here’s an op-ed from today’s Post that I think provides some relative context to the discussion—though it’s not strictly on-topic.

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