Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Scott Miller

Span of Control in Washington

On Monday, April 15 (Patriot’s Day), we’ll discuss how the country, and therefore the demands on Washington legislators, have changed since the “Founding Fathers” drafted the Constitution.

In particular, since the size, scale and scope of the nation have grown, and Federal control of each citizen has also grown, legislators’ (and judges’ and Executive Branch members’) “span of control” has grown dramatically—well beyond what any one person can fathom.

Should this increased complexity be reflected in changes to our constitution and laws? For example:

  • As our 535 legislators have become (understandably) reliant on experts (lobbyists) to help them navigate the complexity, how should lobbyist influence be managed? Are current laws adequate? Do we need more control? Or different control mechanisms?
  • Recognizing that no legislator will ever become expert in everything under their control, should we accept and recognize that fact by establishing reasonable term limits? What maximum term seems most appropriate? What benefits would there be? What detriments? How might term limits be accomplished?
  • In a similar vein, is it time to reconsider the lifetime appointments of Federal judges (and justices)? Net-net, is this unlimited tenure a good or bad thing for the country? Is the fact that it is now “topical” mostly a reaction to President Trump’s appointments, or has increasing desire for judicial term limits been a consistent trend across time?

By the way, here are two “good reads” from the New York Times published over the course of the last week. We’ve touched on these topics many times, and they struck me as being reasonably balanced. Others may (will) disagree:

The Problem With Putting a Price on the End of the World (NYT Magazine, 4/9/19)

Would ‘Medicare for All’ Save Billions or Cost Billions? (NYT 4/10/19)

Climate Change and Nuclear Power

Following up on our many discussions on climate change (and what to do about it), I thought I’d draw your attention to the attached Op/Ed piece from the New York Times.

Nuclear Power Can Save the World (New York Times Op/Ed)

I agree with them that nuclear power will very likely have a significant role in our electricity generation once we get serious about reducing CO2 emissions.

Two of the authors recently published a book, “xxx,” with a foreword written by the third. I usually try to assess whether Op/Ed authors are “fringy” or not; here are two reviews of the book.

A Bright Future by Joshua Goldstein and Staffan Qvist (Financial Times–Book Review)

A Sensible Climate Change Solution, Borrowed From Sweden (The New York Times–Book Review)

The New York Times one is overall supportive of the nuclear argument; the Financial Times is a bit more reserved, but appears to agree that increased nuclear-powered electricity production will very likely need to be a part of a future CO2 energy production mix. But read them yourselves and form your own view.

March 25: Anti-Semitism Today

In recent weeks, there have been claims that elements on both major US political parties have fostered / encouraged / expressed anti-Semitic behavior and views. See Donald Trump on the Republican side and Ilhan Omar for the Democrats.

In my opinion, neither individual, nor their respective parties, are bathing themselves in glory in their handling of this subject. So what’s happening?

  • Is anti-Semitism substantially on the rise?
  • Are the standards by which we “flag” anti-Semitism changing (lots of references to “dog whistles” and “tropes”)?
  • Is the political atmosphere so poisoned that no one wants to listen to any subtlety from the “other side,” and instead will always assume—and assert—the worst?

We’ll discuss on Monday.

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