Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues


Former architect, city planner, and lawyer. Practiced architecture in New York and Boston for about five years. Went back to graduate school for professional degrees in city planning and law. Practiced law in Boston for about 20 years, mostly representing developers, lenders, syndicators, and contractors with regard to development and financing uctmixed income, government assisted rental housing. Worked outside the US for about 20 years as a free-lance consultant on international development projects funded by USAID, The World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and others, mainly on capacity-building for local governments. Now retired, living with my partner, Janet, in Brooksville, and a board member of the Blue Hill Concert Association and Bagaduce Music. I've had a long interest in politics, political theory, and international relations.

Topic for 2 October: What were US political and economic expectations at the end of the cold war? Have those expectations been met?

Many politicians, and some economists and historians, claimed that the US had “won” the cold war when the Soviet Union collapsed at the end of 1991, and that the result would be “end of history” (i.e., world-wide adoption of US-style democracy and capitalism) and a “peace dividend” resulting from the anticipated fall in US defense spending. Were there other US expectations at that time as the result of the end of the cold war? What were they?

Have those US expectations been met? If not, how has reality differed from those expectations, and why?

One aspect of reality vs. post-cold war expectations is described in an article in the Business Section of The New York Times for Sunday, 24 September (

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