Beyond Labels

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Campus Free Speech

The recent Senate hearings, in which the presidents of Harvard, MIT and U Penn were grilled about campus antisemitism, has brought campus free speech back to center stage.

Two themes seem to be the current focus of discussion and debate (with PDF links to short opinion pieces):

  • Scrutiny on the supposedly unequal (pro-woke / anti-conservative) applicationĀ of First amendment standards and school speech codes.

Bret Stephens: “Campus Antisemitism, Free Speech and Double Standards” (NY Times)

Pamela Paul: “What Is Happening at the Columbia School of Social Work?” (NY Times)

  • How and where to draw the line between “free speech” and “harassment.”

Claire O. Finkelstein: “To fight antisemitism on campuses, we must restrict speech” (WaPo)

Danielle Allen: “We’ve lost the talent for mutual respect on campus. Here’s how we get it back.” (WaPo)

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