Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

No meeting this week; Taiwan next

As a reminder, the Blue Hill Public Library is closed tomorrow, February 20, in observance of Presidents Day. So the next Beyond Labels meeting will be on February 27.

At that meeting, we’ll follow up on our discussion about Russia and Ukraine to explore a question that arose in that context:

If the U.S. loses enthusiasm for supporting Ukraine in its war with Russia, what message does that send to China and Taiwan about the analogous situation between them?

  • How are the situations analogous? How not?
  • Should the U.S. be preparing to support Taiwan as an independent “country?” (That seems like a heavily loaded term in this context!)
  • How should China’s posture vis-a-vis Taiwan affect our trading relationship(s)?
  • If each of us were President (or Secretary of State), how would we be navigating these relationships?
  • Does the U.S. posture (so far) in Ukraine make the Taiwan situation more simple, or more complex?

Lots to consider.

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