On Dec. 14, we’ll explore the paths to implementing “universal healthcare” in the U.S. We’ll assume that “universal” coverage is the consensus goal, and discuss how to get there.
- Should it be done with a giant leap? Strong advocates seem to think so, but there are lots of unknowns (changes in behavior of providers, patients, others; cost; etc.).
- Should it be done incrementally, such as by expanding Medicare to cover broader age groups?
- Should a single system be implemented nationally, or should the details (or even adoption) be left to the individual states?
To Where?
- Should the U.S. create a unique system? <How would it be different from others? Why?>
- Should it copy one of the existing models of other countries? <Which one?>
- Should it expand an existing program (like Medicare)? <Does Medicare currently “work” for the country?>
I’m sure we’ll have a robust discussion and will hopefully gain some insights into the risks and opportunities with such a transformation.