Topic for April 8, 2019 Criminality or Sickness?
Psychopaths are 8 times more likely to commit and recommit crimes. In a recent book Kent Kiehl discusses the differences in the brains of “normals” vs. psychopaths. The Psychopath Whisperer covers research findings on criminal psychopaths. The good news, 77% of U.S. psychopaths are incarcerated. For the bad news, read Jon Ronson’s The Psychopath Test, which posits that the “Masters of the Universe” on Wall Street can be diagnosed as psychopaths. [I am told to take Ronson’s book with several grains of salt: it is only book banned by the SSSP psychopathy society.]
For discussion: “Are the hundreds of thousands of criminal psychopaths culpable or sick?” which may segue toward a Tom Cruise “Minority Report” future, and ultimately, what can our health care system do about all of this……