Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Topic for April 1, 2019

Continuing from this week’s discussion on anti-semitism, next week’s topic is white nationalism.  Is it on the increase?  Are they emboldened by the President?  Are they responsible for hate crimes?  If so, what are the consequences?
(“A hate crime is a prejudice-motivated crime which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group or race.  Examples of such groups can include and are almost exclusively limited to: sex, ethnicity, disability, language, nationality, physical appearance, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation.”)

Hate crimes reportedly jumped by 226 percent in counties that hosted Trump campaign rallies:

Hate groups nationwide:

Hate groups in Maine:

Hate group count hits 20-year high amid rise in white supremacy, report says:

“Killings committed by individuals and groups associated with far-right extremist groups have risen significantly. Seventy-one percent of the 387 “extremist related fatalities in the United States” from 2008 to 2017 were committed by members of far-right and white-supremacist groups, according the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism. Islamic extremists were responsible for 26 percent.”  :

White Nationalism’s Deep American Roots:

What Trump Supporters Really Believe – The president’s racist base, by the numbers:

White nationalist leader is plotting to ‘take over the GOP’:

How white supremacist candidates fared in 2018 – Self-described Nazis did poorly, but candidates linked to white supremacist groups did quite well:

Study: 11 million white Americans think like the alt-right – The Unite the Right marchers aren’t alone, according to brand new research:

White Nationalist Groups Increase Recruiting And Propaganda Across The West:

White Nationalist. White nationalist groups espouse white supremacist or white separatist ideologies, often focusing on the alleged inferiority of nonwhites. Groups listed in a variety of other categories – Ku Klux Klan, neo-Confederate, neo-Nazi, racist skinhead, and Christian Identity – could also be fairly described as white nationalist:

White supremacy: Are US right-wing groups on the rise?:

Fact-checking Trump’s notion that white nationalism is not a rising threat:

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