Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Notes 6 Feb 2017

Follow on to Netherlands Second: Switzerland Second, Portugal Second, Germany Second, and more.

Trump executive order full text annotated  by NPR.

Why unconstitutional from Politico.

Constitutionality, from both sides.

From Breitbart “Largely constitutional and will stand.” It’s a podcast, and I didn’t listen. But I read “largely constitutional” to mean “unconstitutional.”

Terrorism in Europe from Wikipedia

Killed in 2015: 157

Killed in 2016: 134

Nice attack was carried out by people who were not on among the countries being

Trump may be more popular than you think (Politico)

Vote on Commons on Brexit

Long (20,000 word) essay on How Brexit won. The article was written by Dominic Cummings (blog, here) who is a little-known but pivotal figure behind the OUT campaign. I’ve read a bunch of stuff by him, and I think he is brilliant. A lot of the techniques that he used were used by the Trump campaign.

DHS Immigration stats

For interactive version (here).

From here



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