It’ll be Patriot’s Day and the library will be closed.
Next week: the ethics of, and alternatives for, organ donations. More to come in the next day or so.
It’ll be Patriot’s Day and the library will be closed.
Next week: the ethics of, and alternatives for, organ donations. More to come in the next day or so.
For Monday, April 8, we decided to discuss “local journalism,” particularly in the Blue Hill Peninsula context.
John O. has provided some relevant links:
A House bill to grant tax credits to support local journalism: the Local Journalism Sustainability Act
The American Journalism Project (and description at UPenn’s Center for High Impact Philanthropy)
Local newspapers are dying. Here’s how we can save them (Editorial: LA Times)
How public policy can save local news (Opinion: Columbia Journalism Review)
Consider some local resources, such as:
The Ellsworth American
Penobscot Bay Press
The Quietside Journal
With the 2024 elections gearing up, we’ll return to one of the topics that our participants keep circling back to—the role of money in politics.