Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

2/22/16 – Topic: Review of World Hot Spots

David Cohen, Deputy Director of the CIA in an interview on PBS on 2/10/16 listed the hot spots which he worries about:

ISIL, Syria and Iraq, Russia, North Korea, Cyber attacks, and Iran nuclear deal.

We also may want to include the Arab Spring: Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen.   Also Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the South China Sea.

Other present issues:  The Campaign and The Supreme Court vacancy.

Upcoming Beyond Labels Meetings

Beyond Labels will meet on February 15,  which is President’s Day.  We have the key and at least 5 people have committed to coming.

Topic for 2/15/16- Review of world hot spots. (we will also discuss the Presidential campaign.

Topic for 2/21/16- The Value of Art

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