Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

For Next Week: More Post-Election Stuff

Although many of us feel like we’ve discussed the recent election as much as we care to, we’re going to try to approach the election aftermath from a bit of a different perspective next week.

There has been a strong reaction from the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives (choose your preferred label) in the wake of the election, with questions such as:

  • What went wrong and who’s fault was the Democrats’ loss?
  • How should Democrats react to a Trump Administration with both houses of Congress controlled by Republicans?
  • What adjustments to the Democrats’ efforts to appeal to voters should be undertaken (which issues to emphasize, constituencies to target, etc.)?

Here’s some food for thought:

  1. Mike Wolf’s link to the “You Are Still Crying Wolf” post.
  2. An opinion piece in Friday’s New York Times entitled “The End of Identity Liberalism.” As of this writing, the piece prompted over 2460 comments. If 2400+ comments is more than your attention span will accommodate, you might want to focus on the “Readers’ Picks” (1475 comments) or “NYT Picks” (42 comments).
  3. Another opinion piece from today’s New York Times, written in response to End of Identity Liberalism, entitled “Identity Politics and Its Defenders.”

If you don’t have a New York Times subscription, here are links to those articles in PDF form:

Have more related stuff? Make a comment to this post with a link to it.

How We Broke Democracy

How We Broke Democracy

Our technology has changed this election and is now undermining our ability to empathize with each other

link to the article

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