Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues



No Fly, No Buy

Since we discussed the prospect of a “No Fly, No Buy” limitation on gun sales last week, there have been several articles on the subject. The State of Connecticut is considering banning sales of guns to individuals on the US “no-fly” list.

There was some discussion about whether the list might be too broad to be reused for other purposes…attached is a NY Times article discussing one US citizen’s issues and a lawsuit he is pursuing.

NYT “No-fly list has left Muslim Air Force veteran detained in Turkey”

Among other things, the suit described in the article asserts that this citizen is being deprived of certain rights without the benefit of due process.

Maybe guns do kill people

Seems like the data shows a pretty clear correlation between gun deaths, per capita, and gun ownership, per household. Seems like those are reasonable metrics, and their data sources (which they cite) are reasonable. From MotheJones, full article here.


United States Marketing Ourselves

Interesting data and presentation by Pew Research, here.

US Popularity

There’s a button at the top that lets you choose between “Favorable” and “Unfavorable” and one that lets you zoom into a particular year and see the rankings by country, toggling between favorable and unfavorable.

My take is that from 2002 from now our favorability in most countries went down substantially in the 2002->2007 time period, then back up, since. YMMV.

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