Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues



March 18: India & Pakistan

With other events capturing the US public’s attention a couple of weeks ago (US-NoKo summit in Hanoi, Cohen testimony before Congress), the US media (and, therefore, public) almost missed a sequence of important events in India and Pakistan—reciprocal incursions into the other’s territory by each of these nuclear-capable countries. It was characterized on NPR as being “the closest the world has come to nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis.”

Here’s a link to a BBC collection/chronology of the events: India-Pakistan Air Strikes. (Or find your own sources.)

We’ll discuss.

Today’s Topic

We agreed a couple of weeks ago that we’d discuss the proposed CMP Transmission Line from Canada to Massachusetts.

From my perspective, it appears to pit environmentalists (in favor of retaining the “pristine” Maine woods and habitat) against environmentalists (in favor of enhancing the proportion of “renewable,” non-CO2 emitting sources in our energy mix).

Any quick web search for “cmp massachusetts maine transmission” will direct you to lots of articles on the subject.

We’ll discuss.

Virginia Politics

Sorry I won’t be abe to attend tomorrow’s discussion, but wanted to share three articles—two from conservative columnists:–and-all-the-others/2019/02/06/8148cc1a-2a62-11e9-b2fc-721718903bfc_story.html?utm_term=.d5974567088c

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