Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues



Today’s Meeting

This is a quick reminder/advisory that we have a new Zoom link and password for our 2021 meetings. Make sure that you register on the Library’s events calendar to get the new info.

I will sign in 10 minutes early; you might want to try to join a few minutes early in case you have any difficulties.

1/4/21: Whither the GOP? And…

Future of the Republican Party

With the Trump Administration entering its final weeks and the elections (mostly) in the rear-view mirror, Republicans and other interested bystanders are focused on the future of the GOP. The Trump presidency highlighted deep rifts within the party and changes in the demographics of “Republican” voters.

Groups such as the Lincoln Project, comprised of high profile Republicans (and former R’s), are attempting to pull the party back towards its Reagan/Bush/Bush-era platform, while populists and the “Trump base” seem to be heading in a very different direction.

  • Has the Republican party fundamentally changed?
  • Can this rift be healed with Trump out of office, or is it much deeper than one man?
  • What will the Republican party look like (platform, demographics) in, say 4-8 years?
  • What does this mean for Democrats and the Democratic Party?

From Becky Wentworth: Inside the Lincoln Project’s War on Trump (The New Yorker)

What should the Dems (and R’s) do about Trump?

We’ll also discuss how President Trump enters this calculus.

  • Should the Biden Administration push to identify Federal criminal charges against him, or should they focus elsewhere (unless an “egregious” violation of the law is identified)?
  • What if Trump provides a Presidential pardon to himself?
  • Is a Trump run for the Presidency a realistic possibility for 2024 and, if so, how should this possibility inform D’s and R’s strategies?

Dec. 28: Biden and Israel, et. al.

The Trump Administration has made substantial progress in broadening the number of Muslim-majority countries normalizing their diplomatic relations with Israel. But that progress has come at the cost of numerous “side-deals,” providing country-specific incentives. Several of the incentives offered are considered controversial. So this week’s topic will be:

Should the Biden Administration disavow agreements the Trump Administration has made with various countries in exchange for normalization of relations with Israel?

We can also discuss the parliamentary turmoil in Israel and how/whether that should affect the calculus.

Michael Sinclair has provided a handful of brief articles on the subject (all PDF’d for our discussion):

Remember: If you’d like to participate in the Zoom discussion, register on the Blue Hill Public Library events calendar.

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