Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues



Truth in Politics

Perhaps always an oxymoron, the “truth” seems to have left Washington, DC in recent years. With so-called “fact checkers” now doing a brisk business assessing our elected officials’ statements and many news organizations becoming less adversarial to (independent of?) our nation’s politicians, it has become quite difficult for ordinary citizens to understand the tradeoffs involved in today’s complex issues. Assessing these statements requires digging well beyond the “sound bite,” consulting a variety of publications and sources, to get an even somewhat balanced perspective.

Question for next week (May 19): To what degree should the American public accept “lies,” half-truths, glaring omissions and/or misdirection from their elected officials and government?

National “fact checking resources:”

See you next week!

Great American Water Crisis

In the wake of the recent Camden Conference (this year’s topic: “The Global Politics of Food and Water”), Court Haight clipped the attached article from UTNE. I’ve never heard of this organization, but here’s what they say about themselves:

Utne Reader and are digests of independent ideas and alternative culture. Not right, not left, but forward thinking. We’re most interested in creating a conversation about everything from the environment to the economy, politics to pop culture.

201402 Great American Water Crisis (UTNE)

As I read the article, it appears to decry the “privatization” of water and asserts that public control and, in addition, ownership is far preferable for this common resource. I’m not convinced (at least as far as ownership is concerned) that this is the case…many other “public goods” are privately owned but subject to a certain amount of regulation.

What do you think?

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