Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Scott Miller

Immigration Reform: What should it look like?

This topic is scheduled to be discussed August 12, 2013

  • What penalty, if any, is appropriate for current undocumented immigrants?
  • What should be the path to “green card”-type eligibility and citizenship?
  • At what point along this path should the “social safety net” and other benefits (education, social security, Medicare/Medicaid) be available to immigrants?
  • What quotas or other limits to immigration should be in place?
  • Who should accompany an eligible immigrant (how broadly should “family” be defined)?
  • What should be the criteria for citizenship of children born in the U.S. to non-citizen parents?
  • How important is enhanced border protection (particularly the southern border) to immigration reform?

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Related Materials:

As a registered Beyond Labels participant, consider the following resources:

Immigration Idea Offers Compromise (WSJ 08-04-2013)




Health Care Reform

This topic was discussed on July 22, 2013
This session will focus on the dramatic changes in the U.S. health care system. Among the potential sub-topics are:

  • What should be the federal government’s role in health care?
  • What changes should there be in how health care organizations (doctors, hospitals, device manufacturers, etc.) are compensated? (Existing fee-for-service model vs. more “outcome-based” compensation?
  • Why does the U.S. lag other developed countries in certain “health” metrics (despite spending a greater proportion of GDP on healthcare)?

[groups_member group=”Physical”]RESOURCES
U.S. Life Expectancy on the Rise, but Progress Lags Global Peers’ (WashPost 7/10/2013)




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