Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Scott Miller

This Week: Gun Control

Yes, we will be meeting on Monday (Columbus Day), even though the Library is closed. Same time (10:30am), same place (the Howard Room).

There’s a lot of political rhetoric about gun control these days…from both sides…so this week we’ll try to parse through the issue in detail:

  • How much of a problem is gun violence in the US?
    • Mike W. found an interesting Pew Research study about gun violence trends.
    • I’m sure someone can find a study comparing violent crime in the US to other developed countries.
  • What does the Second Amendment really mean?
    • What sort of “arms” are protected? All? Only non-combat weapons? Only for state militias?
    • What has been the influence of the Supreme Court on the interpretation?
  • So what can be done to reduce gun violence?
    • What exactly are President Obama’s “common sense reforms” and, if passed, would they really accomplish much?
    • Where do each the 2016 Presidential candidates stand?
  • Here are the alternatives as I see them. (You’re invited to bring some more if you think I’ve missed something important.)
    • Do nothing
    • Adopt “common sense reform” (aka minor tweaks to existing law
    • Wait for Supreme Court turnover to reinterpret the Second Amendment
    • Go “whole hog” for repeal. Here’s another article (sort of) discussing How to Create a Gun-Free America in Five Easy Steps.

Lastly, here’s a Washington Post article from last week on How to Argue About Gun Control that provides some arguments, pro and con, on various subtopics related to the issue.

See you tomorrow!

For February 2: Cuba

If tomorrow’s winter storm doesn’t get you thinking about warmer climes, perhaps this will…

We’ll discuss the Obama Administration’s steps toward normalization of relations with Cuba.

  • Is now the time to normalize relations?
  • Should there be any preconditions?
  • How rapidly should it take place?
  • What happened to the principles governing our policy for the last 50+ years? What changed?
  • To what degree should the views of Cuban emigres to the US help to shape our national policy vis-a-vis Cuba?
  • What similarities/differences are there from the Nixon Administration’s steps to normalize relations with China?

See you tomorrow.

For January 26: Minimum Wage–Pro and Con

The President renewed his call for an increased minimum wage, observing that the current federal level does not represent a “living wage.” The NY Times argued in it’s Editorial Staff blog that even $10.10 an hour is not enough. Republicans have expressed concern that raising the minimum wage will eliminate some jobs that “aren’t worth” $7 per hour.

Who’s right? How should this be decided? To be discussed on Monday.

If you’d like to read some more…

Start with Wikipedia…

Minimum Wage


Cato Institute


Center for Economic and Policy Research

News Coverage

Forbes (I think reasonably balanced), but you’ll judge for yourself

Congressional Budget Office

The February 2014 CBO Study (it’s not too long)

ABC News “Cliff Notes” Version

Feel free to comment if you think there’s a better source we should consider for Monday.

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