Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Scott Miller

December 14: Education and the Common Core

We plan to revisit US education (K-12) this coming Monday. The article that caught my attention and caused me to think we might revisit the subject  was the New York Times’ “Algebra Scores Prompt Second Look at Revamped Regents Exams.”

It seems like a recurring theme…we say we need to improve education standards and set what are characterized as reasonable goals, then fail to achieve them and “dumb down” the definition of “proficiency” to make up for the shortfall.

Here are some other articles that may inform our discussion:

NYT: Cuomo Panel Calls for Further Retreat From Common Core

NYT: Test Scores Under Common Core Show That ‘Proficient’ Varies by State

There are lots of articles this weekend about the new Education law that replaces “No Child Left Behind.”

No Fly, No Buy

Since we discussed the prospect of a “No Fly, No Buy” limitation on gun sales last week, there have been several articles on the subject. The State of Connecticut is considering banning sales of guns to individuals on the US “no-fly” list.

There was some discussion about whether the list might be too broad to be reused for other purposes…attached is a NY Times article discussing one US citizen’s issues and a lawsuit he is pursuing.

NYT “No-fly list has left Muslim Air Force veteran detained in Turkey”

Among other things, the suit described in the article asserts that this citizen is being deprived of certain rights without the benefit of due process.

The 2016 Presidential Election Process

A few weeks ago, we touched on the upcoming Presidential election and our participants’ preferences for the various candidates. Bob Sargent has expressed an interest in devoting a meeting in the near future to the 2016 Presidential Election. We can discuss:

  • The candidates
  • The key issues (at least as articulated (or avoided!) by the candidates)
  • Media coverage of the electoral process

There should be plenty to discuss! Perhaps next week?

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