Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Scott Miller

No Meeting Today; “Democracy” Next Week

As a reminder, the library is closed today, so there will be no Beyond Labels meeting.

Next week, we’ve agreed to discuss “Democracy” in the context of other countries and cultures:

  • Is supporting democracy in all countries a sensible policy?
  • Is that policy beneficial to U.S. interests:
    • Short term?
    • Long term?
  • Is democracy a good fit with all cultures? If not, should the mode of government change, or should the culture be changed?
  • Over what time period?
  • And what do we mean by “democracy” in this context?

February 12: Turkey and the Kurds

We’ll turn our attention back to foreign policy tomorrow with a discussion focused on Turkey and the Kurds.

The US considers both to be our allies, but there is a huge amount of historical friction between them, with the Turkish government labeling Kurdish groups and individuals as “terrorists.” On the other hand, Peshmerga fighters have been some of the most effective local forces in combating ISIS.

Some of these frictions have driven Turkey closer to Russia, which has become a (more) significant presence in neighboring Syria. But they’re still members of NATO, and the US relies on Turkey for logistics, staging and assets in the region.

How should the US navigate the many issues arising out of our presence in Iraq, “Kurdistan,” Turkey and Syria?

No Beyond Labels on Monday, Jan 15

The Blue Hill Public Library will be closed this coming Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Day, so we won’t be meeting.

The next meeting will be on Jan 22, to discuss “new Federalism”–in a world that has difficulty coming to grips with the Trump Administration’s actions, some have argued that states (such as California and New York) can take the lead both domestically and globally in taking the high road vis-a-vis climate change, global “citizenship,” education, health care, etc. when the Federal government (a la Trump) isn’t being as aggressive (or progressive) as they’d like.

So we’ll revisit the question of what functions/activities should be driven by a uniform Federal mandate/control and which can be more local?

See you on Jan 22!

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