Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Mike Wolf

How We Broke Democracy

How We Broke Democracy

Our technology has changed this election and is now undermining our ability to empathize with each other

link to the article

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Why Clinton Supporters and Trump Supporters Don’t Understand one another

The post (on FB, sorry) explains that Trump supporters see Trump as fundamentally honest, and Clinton fundamentally dishonest because (among other reasons) Trump “speaks his mind” and Clinton does not.

And since Trump supporters disproportionately distrust mainstream media, politifact and other fact checkers have little effect.

From the post:

“Why have Trump and Clinton supporters found it so difficulty to empathize with (or even understand) the other side? I had no idea why, and had a lot of trouble understanding both sides myself (even after reading many articles on the topic of how Trump and Clinton supporters differ).

Worth reading the entire post.
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