Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Mike Wolf

Notes 24 July 2017

Poland’s overlooked Enigma codebreakers – BBC News 

Poland’s judiciary reform is Europe’s biggest headache – Here’s why 

Voter turnout 1789 -> present
Partisanship in the US Congress (PLOS1)
Susan Collins “ideology score” (

Notes: 17 July 2017

Ralph Chapman (legislative site, news)

Water testing labs in Maine: there are about 20 of them in Maine, including some certified labs for specific water districts.


Direct Shipment of Alcoholic Beverage

 Repeal of Prohibition

Craig Hickman  (legislative site , blog, biographical article,  Wikipedia Article, Annabessacookfarm Blog, Article on his election  )

Excerpt from a speech (as posted on his blog)

Madam Speaker, women and men of the House, this morning I was disturbed by the stench of a steaming pile of manure that I considered this biennial budget to be and had every intention of voting against it.

Book on Google Books

Status of National Popular Vote  (Wikipedia)

Gerrymandering article in WaPo

Pricenomics discussion

Redistricting in Wikipedia

Redistricting in Maine

Studies of Voter Fraud 

Rigging in Cook County (Snopes–false)

History of Election fraud in Chicago

National Voter Registration Act

Sunlight Foundation Article on Secure Voter Registration Data


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