Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

9/23/24: Ukraine (again) and Maybe China

For Monday, we’ll revisit U.S. support for Ukraine in the context of recent developments. In particular, we’ll start with the following two questions:

  • Should the U.S. authorize the use of Western-supplied weapons against military targets in Russian territory without limit? If not, what limits seem reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances?
  • Should the U.S. and its Western allies provide “frozen” Russian assets (bank deposits) to Ukraine to help that country finance its war effort?

If we move to China, we might discuss:

  • What lessons do we think China will take away from the U.S.’ support for Ukraine v. Russia in recent years? Are these the lessons we want them to “learn?” What, if anything, should we be doing differently vis-a-vis Ukraine to send China the signals we want?
  • China and the Philippines have been skirmishing at an increasing rate in the South China Sea over the past few months. What should U.S. policy be with respect to these skirmishes? Stand by and watch? Express displeasure through diplomatic means? Provide tangible non-military support to the Philippines? Provide military support (like by moving some Navy vessels into the “hot zone”)?

And I’m sure we’ll find more to discuss along the way. See you Monday.

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