Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues


As a reminder, we decided to update on the Ukraine/Russia conflict and the most recent Middle East developments at today’s (August 19) meeting. Seems like Fareed Zakaria was on the same page (see yesterday’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” on CNN).

1 Comment

  • A comment on the direction of the Gaza war:

    The USA was founded as a secular nation. The founders feared that Europe’s religious wars would cross the Atlantic. The First Amendment prohibits establishment, or preference, for one religion over another. It also protects freedom of religion.

    Now, the religious fringes on both sides are driving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict toward a global war of religion that neither side will ever win.

    All our public servants — top to bottom — must clearly affirm that the US — and the United Nations – are founded on principles that avoid religious war.

    The US has often sought to play a mediator role — at Camp David and the Oslo accords. But since Oslo,
    (1) Israel’s government is increasingly dominated by the Kach/Kahanist ideology, which finds biblical justification in “melting away” all non-Israeli inhabitants of Palestine.
    (2) the Islamic Brotherhood has spawned offshoots dedicated to Israel’s destruction, including Al Qaeda, Isis and the military wing of Hamas.

    As for the Dems this week, they need to discard the verbal oatmeal of their draft platform on the Gaza war. They need to commit to strengthening the parts of the world order — e.g. the Security Council, International Criminal Court, International Court of Justice, UNRWA, UNESCO — that we have undermined and weakened in recent decades.

    If we don’t move forcefully away from nations that define themselves by religion, the wars of religion will further afflict the USA and its standing in the world.

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