Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Monday, March 7: Cyber-warfare & Ukraine

With an ever-increasing proportion of our personal, corporate, and governmental devices connected to the Internet, and with an ever-greater reliance on information stored in the “cloud,” we have to consider the associated vulnerabilities.

Steven K. suggested that we consider the following articles, all from the January/February edition of Foreign Affairs:

I expect we’ll continue to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in the cyber-context and others.

1 Comment


    Unpacking fake news:
    “Bellingcat, the investigative journalism group that specializes in fact-checking and open-source intelligence, or OSINT, lists its “four Ms” of Russian visual disinformation: misdate, misrepresent, mislocate and modify.”
    this from Haaretz.

    How to spot fake news.

    If you can’t get past the Haaretz firewall, email me and we’ll figure out another way.

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