Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

1 Comment

  • “Small Government” has always been about “starving the beast”. That is, the driving forces have been for small taxes (especially on those who have wealth), small regulations, small enforcement of regulations, a small “safety net” for the needy, and small turnout of lower income voters. There were also claims for small deficits but that was never, after 1932, practiced by adherents to small government when they were in power.

    The goal of small government was to get government out of the way of unfettered capitalism and the wealthy who benefitted from it. Small government also gave the military-industrial-complex more freedom to operate their corporations as well as to maximize influence of certain sectors of government.

    Please see two articles:

    The Starving State _ Foreign Affairs!ArD0BQemtYST2WfS-661yqMtW4GU?e=9gEK9T

    Opinion: Have Republicans stopped caring about big government?!ArD0BQemtYST2WgubW22GddRkkvF?e=bIt34x

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