Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

For Nov. 30: The Biden Cabinet

“What does Biden’s choices for key Administration roles tell us about his Presidency?

This coming Monday, we’ll discuss the announced (and rumored) picks for key roles in the incoming Biden administration, and what they signal about the next four years:

  • Will the progressive wing of the Democratic Party get any influential seats in the Cabinet? What will that mean for their respective departments?
  • What do Biden’s choices for Treasury, etc. imply about his economic and tax policy?
  • How about the foreign policy team (Secretary of State, UN Ambassador, Director of National Intelligence)?

Here’s a New York Times article to get us started.

Don’t forget to register on the Blue Hill Public Library event calendar if you want to participate–that’ll get you the Zoom login info.

1 Comment

  • Following up on yesterday’s discussion (which was pretty far ranging), here’s

    • a NYT opinion piece by Bret Stephens suggesting that “liberals” may eventually celebrate the recent decision in the religious freedom case Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo.
    • the Gallup poll supporting Hugh’s assertion that only 58% of Americans are willing to get a COVID-19 vaccination. I think the cross-tabs (detailed breakdown) are of particular interest.

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