Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Virtual Beyond Labels?

The Library has asked whether our group would like to conduct our meetings “virtually” while BHPL is closed to the public.

Personally, I am not a big fan of the virtual format for discussions like ours, and I would not be inclined to participate. Although I am generally a technophile, I think that having meaningful discussions of difficult topics doesn’t really work when we’re not physically together–no “body language” feedback, too many background distractions, etc.

But if someone would like to lead a virtual initiative, I encourage you to contact Hannah Cyrus at the Library to get the information for their “GoToMeeting” account. And I’ll be happy to help publicize the information on the Beyond Labels website (if you don’t know how to do it yourself).


  • Virginia Sarsfield

    I changed my mind and agree being in the same room is more my cup of tea. Movie nights would be swell, though.

  • I’m leaning towards Scott’s view. Body language is supposedly 80% of communication. However is someone wants to ‘go to meeting’ I am also intrigued. Maybe a different experience would evolve from such a meeting.

  • I have set up a zoom account to do some other discussions, to judge US First Robotics, and to read the play, “By the skin of our teeth”. I can set up a meeting if anyone is interested- better
    way to get in touch is since I rarely check in here.
    Be well

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