Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Notes 27 June 2016

Trading partners of the United States:

RankG Country Exports Imports Total Trade Trade Balance
World 1,620,532 2,347,685 3,968,217 -727,153
 European Union 276,142 418,201 694,343 -142,059
1  Canada 312,421 347,798 660,219 -35,377
2  China 123,676 466,754 590,430 -343,078
3  Mexico 240,249 294,074 534,323 -53,825
4  Japan 66,827 134,004 200,831 -67,177
5  Germany 49,363 123,260 172,623 -73,897
6  South Korea 44,471 69,518 113,989 -25,047
7  United Kingdom 53,823 54,392 108,215 -569
8  France 31,301 46,874 78,175 -15,573

History of the EU from 1945 to present, from the EU.

Recommended: The Revenge of Geography. Amazon. Book review on WSJ.

Article: The road to superintelligence.

Site for visualizing school performance. Blue Hill Expenditure

Blue Hill Performance

Robotic fruit picking

Wall Street Journal article on fruit picking robotics.

Apple picking robot prototype from SRI spinoff.

CEO to worker pay ratios from Glass Door.

CEO Pay Ratios

Brexit polling


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