Beyond Labels

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Afghan girl from National Geographic “The Rest of the Story”

The image on the left is one of the most recognized photographs in the world. The one on the right shows the toll that life took on her in seventeen years.

National Geographic article on finding the girl, Sharbat Gula,  here.

As Paul Harvey used to say:  “Here’s the rest of the story” Wikipedia article here, tells us:

More recent pictures of Gula were featured as part of a cover story on her life in the April 2002 issue of National Geographic and she was the subject of a television documentary, entitled Search for the Afghan Girl, which aired in March 2002. In recognition of her,[15] National Geographic set up the Afghan Girls Fund, a charitable organization with the goal of educating Afghan girls and young women.[16] In 2008, the scope of the fund was broadened to include boys and the name was changed to Afghan Children’s Fund.[17]

After finding Gula, National Geographic also covered the costs of medical treatment for her family, and paid for the costs of a pilgrimage to Mecca.[18


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