Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

August 18: Assisted Suicide

Having failed to choose a topic at the end of last week’s session, we can be flexible on Monday.  But, for those of you who like to prepare, let’s plan to “dip our toes” into the subject of assisted suicide. To summarize Dick’s suggested questions:

  • Do I have the right to have you kill me?
  • Do you have the right/obligation to kill me if I ask you?
  • Do you have the right to kill me if you think that is what I would like?
  • Will this become an economics/efficiency decision?
  • What is the current law on the matter?

1 Comment

  • When I suggested the possible topic of assisted suicide it was a little off the cuff. Although there are four states that allow physicians to prescribe controlled substances to patients for their use in suicide in all other 46 states such prescriptions are a felony. I think the topic is quite broader than first envisioned including the more specific topics of “assisted dying” and “euthanasia” or “mercy killing” which I believe are important but would probably more productive if we were prepared with some reference reading material ahead of time. The perhaps the morbidly related topic of “botched executions” and capital punishment is a little more circumscribed. We can decide on Monday.

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