Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

Jan 22: Trump? or Gaza? or DeSantis?

When we last met several weeks ago (lots of holidays in between), we had planned to discuss Trump’s legal issues and their impact on his candidacy.

Another regular member of the group has suggested that we discuss the genocide allegations against Israel in connection with its activities in Gaza. Here’s his suggestion:

NYT/Stephens: The Genocide Charge

ICJ Case Files 1
ICJ Case Files 2
ICJ Case Files 3

With Ron DeSantis dropping out of the Republican primary race, my guess is that we’ll have plenty to discuss.

What will happen if Trump is elected in 2024?

There’s an opinion piece in today’s (18 December) New York Times ( that I think is related to the topic Steve Kramer suggested for our next meeting on 8 January. It tries to make the case that Trump is a political moderate and pragmatist. Whether it does so successfully might be part of the conversation next time.

12/18: Speech and Discipline on Campus

Tomorrow, we’ll continue the discussion of free speech (and its limits) in the university environment, focusing in particular on students’ speech.

And on universities’ “codes of conduct” for students and the repercussions for violating them.

There has already been the beginnings of a discussion via email amongst last week’s participants; we’ll continue in person (and via Zoom) tomorrow.

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