Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

10/2: Gambling in America

Last week’s discussion about college athletics has prompted a follow-up on the impact of gambling on sports, income inequality, and our society in general.

Although there are plenty of ways to approach this topic, here’s a link to get us started:

  • Who gains from gaming/gambling? Who loses?
  • Is gambling a “tax” (statistically speaking) on low-income people?
  • If so, should something be done to address that, or should individuals be free to pursue their own vices?
  • Are gaming revenues/taxes too tempting for politicians to refuse?
  • Does the ability gamble on sports activities taint the underlying sport?
    • How to avoid the temptation to “fix” matches?
    • Is there a difference (from a gambling perspective) between professional and amateur sports?
  • How do other societies that have been more open to gambling dealt with these potential issues?

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