Beyond Labels

A 360° Discussion of Foreign, National and Local Policy Issues

5/15: The Debt Limit

  • What do we make of the debt limit negotiations?
    • Should debt limit increases be automatic?
      • If not, what subjects are (or are not) “fair game” for discussion?
  • Bigger picture, how should the US think about its use of debt to fund government programs?
    • Should we aim to
      • repay over time?
      • maintain a constant level relative to GDP? (At what target level?)
      • Something else?
    • How does our use of debt compare to our peers?
  • What does all of the above mean for our annual budgets?
    • To use the terms from today’s WaPo “Budget Game,” are you a
      • Diligent Deficit Hawk?
      • Big Tax and Spender?
      • Money-printing Maverick?

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